* Google Chrome's SafeBrowsing feature periodically contacts Google's servers to download the most recent list of known phishing and malware sites. At this time, you can not disable this feature. * If you navigate to a URL that does not exist, Google Chrome may send the URL to Google so we can help you find the URL you were looking for. If you choose to share usage statistics with Google and you accept a suggested query or URL, Google Chrome will send that information to Google as well. * When you type URLs or queries in the address bar, the letters you type are sent to Google so the Suggest feature can automatically recommend terms or URLs you may be looking for. In addition, some Google Chrome features send limited additional information to Google: However, cookies can be deleted from the Wrench menu, by selecting Clear browsing data, then check the "cookies" box and duration, to delete.

At this time, you can not configure Google Chrome for Linux to not send cookies to Google or other sites. When you download Google Chrome or use it to contact Google’s servers, Google receives only standard log information including your machine’s IP address and one or more cookies. You do not need to provide any personally identifying information in order to download and use Google Chrome. Information Google receives when you use Google Chrome We are working hard to implement additional features and will be changing this Privacy Policy to reflect the addition of new features. In addition, the following describes our privacy practices that are specific to Google Chrome for Linux. The Google Privacy Policy describes how we treat personal information when you use Google's products and services, including information provided when you use Google Chrome for Linux.

The issues marked in bold text below will be resolved prior to releasing Google Chrome for Linux to the beta channel for broader consumer use.

Many of the features still under development affect the privacy behavior of Google Chrome for Linux.

Google Chrome for Linux x 64 Developer Release is a very early release version and does not yet have some of the functionality that a full general release version would have.